Editor's Forward: This was based on a prompt that can be found here. I've added italics to that portion.

You stretch out your arms and legs with a yawn as you slowly climb out of bed. You didn't feel like unpacking much last night, so you have to step over all the clothes and suitcases you left scattered across your bedroom floor. You go into the bathroom and grab your hairbrush. You are about to style your hair when you look at the mirror and let out a bloodcurdling scream. “What the fuck?!” You shout at the top of your lungs.
Your clothes appear to be floating in thin air! You are nowhere to be seen. You look down at where your arms should be, but you see nothing. You try to run your hands and arms under some water, but the water just appears to be going around some invisible object. You can't decide whether to be scared or amazed as you try to figure out how this is happening. “The potion!” You finally think back to the odd souvenir you brought home with you. A supposed magic potion that you bought from some sketchy-looking shop. “I guess it worked after all.”
Since it's only your clothes that can be seen, you take them all off until you are completely naked and entirely invisible. Just to make sure this isn't a dream or something, you gently pinch your skin. When you feel the pain, you know it's not a dream.
“What am I going to do?” You mutter to yourself. You could literally do anything here. Since you have no plans for the day, you decide to spend the day testing out your abilities. You decide to sneak into the women's locker room at the local YMCA.
You walk over to one of the lockers and slowly open it. You sneak inside and shut the door behind you. You don't want anyone to see you in here. The only person you have to worry about is yourself, and you know you look invisible!
This place is exactly as you expected. Soon women enter and begin to change. The slit in the locker door obscures most of your vision, however. You have to hold the door open with one hand so you don't make any noise, and you have to close your locker with the other hand so you don't make any unnecessary noise. Once in the room, you stand in a corner. No one notices you.
Then it hits you: you could watch the women change without being seen! You could see all of them without having to risk being caught! This is awesome! What are you waiting for? There are no witnesses!
You quietly creep over the locker room floor until you are right by one of the showers. This shower has a long curtain, so you'll have to be fast. You can do it.
You dash up to the shower and pull back the curtain. A woman steps out and looks at her naked body in the mirror. She steps into the shower and begins to wash herself. Others begin to join. The view is overwhelming. There are at least fifteen women in here, rinsing and washing themselves. You don't know how you're ever going to choose.
“This is awesome!” You think to yourself. You've never felt so alive in your entire life. This is better than being invisible! You're actually doing something. You stay hidden behind the curtain until the woman in the shower just walks out. She leaves the door open, and you see dozens of women walking past. You stay in place, still as a statue. No one notices you.
“I can do this all day long.” You think to yourself. A few hours pass, and most of the women leave. The room is now deserted. You can examine the women as they come and go. You can memorize their faces and bodies, learn their routine. One accidentally brushes against you as she leaves. She doesn't see you. She walks right past you without a hint of your existence. She'll never know you're here.
There is only one woman left. She is now in the room with you. You slowly get closer. You've never seen a naked women this intimately before. You feel a bit uncomfortable with this situation, so you turn away. You can't see her, but you know she is there, because you can still hear her. The splash of water continues...
You turn back to face her. She has her back to you. You can see her legs through the door. Her ankles and feet. Her butt. Her face. Her hair. Her chest. Soap lazily drifts down her body. Through her breasts, across her belly, and down between her legs. Her back is now to you. She is soaping up her back with one hand. Your eyes are drawn to her breasts, and you can't help but stare. They are incredible! They are perfect. You can see all of her. You are so close to her you can smell her shampoo. You can see the tiny hairs on her head. You can see her heartbeat. She is amazing! You want to see more. You have to take a chance. You know you have to!

You dash around the other side of the door and look for a good place to hide. You see a pile of towels and quickly slide behind them. You can see everything! She is now facing you, her back to the door. She is soaping up her breasts and belly with the other hand. You can see her so clearly! You want to touch her. You get close. Too close. You can't see your own body and your erection pokes one of her butt cheeks. She jumps back in shock. She knows something touched her, but maybe it was her imagination. She turns around and begins to walk away from you.
You don't give up this easily! You dash around the corner and block the shower exit. She'll be trapped! She'll be unable to escape! You've never been this determined to get some before!
She bumps into your unseen body and shouts, “What the fuck!”
You grab her from behind and pull her back. She struggles, but you are too strong. She looks around terrified.
“Who are you?” She asks
“I wanna see you naked.” You reply
“Get away from me!” She struggles
“I wanna see you naked.” You repeat
“Get away from me or I'll scream.” She threatens
You decide that it's worth the risk and release your grip on the towel. You run your hands over your body to make sure you were actually invisible. You find that no one can see you. Everything is smooth. You are confident that you were actually invisible.
You run your hands down the front of her naked body, stopping at her abdomen. You lean in and plant a kiss on her lips. She is even more beautiful than you imagined. Your hands graze over her butt. She struggles against the unseen advances. You push her down on the floor.
“Stop!” She yells. “I wanna go home!”
You release your erection, which she can now see is gone. She looks around frantically for a way out. The door is blocked, but she finds a window. She is just playing hard to get. You slide your hands over her bare skin. She manages to crawl out of the window, but not before you see her ass wiggling out. The view is so worth it.
You go to the window and look out. It's a nice day out. You can see for miles. You can't wait to go home and show off your view.
Editor's Thoughts: had this been set in the 80s, it would have been a fun comedy. Nowadays, it's sort of vulgar and violating.