Lone Goth
Editor's Forward: This was based on a prompt that can be found here. I've added italics to that portion.

It had to be- what, 10:30 PM? You were walking home after a night of partying.
… Well, your friends partied. For some reason all that partying wasn't fitting your current vibe. So, while your friends started partying even harder, you started walking home.
It must have been in that alley next to 42nd street when you saw her, curled up against a wall. She was obviously one of those stereotypical Goth girls, with raven black hair in a Bob cut, black lipstick, and a black hoodie.
You wouldn't even have paid her any mind, had she not had terrible gashes on her knees and bruises almost everywhere else, you would've continued walking. Instead, you walked up to her, and simply ask, “Hey, are you alright?”
The girl looks up at you, with a cut on her cheek, and says in a soft voice, “I'm-” she coughs, and a single drop of blood trickles out of her mouth, “… fine. Thanks for asking.”
She then looks back down and curls up into a fetal position, her back to the wall.
… It's too much for you. You can't just let her sit there, suffering in an alley.
“Don't be an idiot; your hurt,” you say, a little too forcefully; she flinches and draws herself closer together. Cursing yourself under your breath, you kneel down and try again, and you speak in a softer tone, “Sorry. Look, I just want to help. I can't stand by while you're bruised and bleeding.”
At this, the girl raises her head, her shocking blue eyes wide. You decide to go out on a limb, and offer her a hand, “Please, at the very least, can I give you a ride?” You're suddenly aware of how creepy your last sentence was, and your insides tense up.
However, either she's an idiot or she saw that you were being sincere, because she takes your hand and says, “You- ugh, might want to watch your delivery.”
Smiling, mostly out of relieve, you pull the girl up, and promptly catch her as her legs fail to work. You didn't expect her to be in such a week state.
“I should call an ambulance,” you think aloud, and reach for your phone, but the girl's eyes shoot wide open in fear.
“NO!” She yelps, grabbing your arm and leaning on you for support, “No-gah- no hospitals. Please?”
Your about to refuse, but her hands start shaking, and no matter how hard she tries to hide it, her eyes show her complete and utter terror.
“… Okay. No hospitals,” you say slowly, “But where do we go…? Alright. I know where to go, but we'll have to walk.”
“Huh?” she asks, her gaze distant, “Where are we going?”
“My apartment, literally down the road,” pointing to a gray building as you start to lead her on, “Come on, we can make it…” you trail off, and the girl finishes it for you.
“Lydia,” she whispers, with a small smile.
She starts to walk with you, and you can't help but bring out a grin, saying, “Kyle. Nice to meet you, Lydia.”
It takes about 5 minutes to get to your building, and an extra 3 to get to your floor and use the key. As soon as you are inside, you set Lydia on one of your chairs, and race to the bathroom to grab rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and band aids before returning.
“Lydia, I'm going to try and clean the parts that are bloodied,” you say warmly, “This may sting a little.”
You start with the cut on Lydia's cheek. She flinches and bites her lip. As you move to Lydia's shoulder, and she suddenly bursts out “Why are you helping me?! Don't you know that I'm with a bad crowd? Isn't it obvious?!”
You ponder this for a moment, and then say, “Yes, I know. I'm helping you anyway.”

You explain about how you stumbled upon her, and decided to help. Lydia smiles weakly, giving you a thumbs up. Then she closes her eyes, and falls asleep. She spends the better part of the night in your bed. When day breaks, she groggily opens her eyes.
She looks at you, with a cute half grin, and asks, “You're not going to check for other injuries, are you?”
You shake your head, “Nah. I trust you.”
Lydia smiles, and then closes her eyes, and falls asleep once more.
When the sun finally does set, you lie in your bed, staring at the ceiling. You wonder about everything. What happened to her that caused such injuries? What were you thinking to offer such a person a ride? Were you just trying to be nice, or were you actively trying to get her into your apartment? You look over at her sleeping body. The gentle rhythmic pulsing of her chest is a lullaby to you. You realize that you don't have any clothes for her. Well, you do, but they're much too big. It'll be nice to have her stay here tonight. But you can't.
You get out of bed, and walk over to the door. You open it, and Lydia looks up, startled. “I...I don't have anything to change into,” she says.
Lydia gets up, and walks over to your dresser. She opens one of your drawers, and pulls out a tank top. “Could you turn around please?” she asks.
You turn around.
“Thanks.” She says, pulling the tank top on, and adjusting it.
There, it fits! It actually fits! You look back and she's wearing your oversized top. A hint of her panties show from below. You blush, and turn back around.
“Alright,” you say, as you start to walk towards her, “I was just- it was nice that you were comfortable enough around me to do that.”
“I've been in worse situations,” she replies. “Come on, I'm hungry.”
Lydia leads you out of the bathroom, and into the kitchen. “Do you have anything to eat?” she asks.
“Yeah. Lots of things.” You open your refrigerator, and pull out a bag of chips, a carton of eggs, and a six pack of soda.
“I'll get us some food.” She digs in.
“So how'd you end up in that alleyway?” you ask.
“I don't know. I blacked out.”
“You blacked out?”
“Yeah... It was... Intense,” she says.
Lydia stares at the floor, her memory apparently wiped clean. She doesn't seem to know where to go from here. “Well I'm glad I found you anyway,” you say.
You grab her arm, and spin her around. There, right in the middle of her forehead, is a nasty gash. It's bleeding a little.
“Can I have a bandaid?”
“Sure,” you say. “Meet me in the bathroom.”
Lydia agrees.
You take a bandaid out of its package, and wrap it around the wound.
“There,” you say, “better?”
“Yeah,” she says weakly, “Any chance I could get a proper shower?”
“Of course,” you say. “Come with me.”
You lead her to your bathroom. In the tub, you turn on the water. Once it's nice and hot, you leave her to it. When she's done, she walks out of the bathroom. “I...Thanks,” she says, not looking at you.
She sits on the bed. She's wrapped only in a towel. Her red-stripped panties are on the doorknob. You look at her, your eyes traveling up her incredibly cute body. You blush.
“There's soap and shampoo on the counter,” you say, pointing.
Lydia walks over to the counter.
“Oh, I already washed my hair. Thanks.”
You walk back to your room, leaving the door open so you can hear her if she needs you.
You sit in your bed, and wonder what to wear. It's probably best to wear more than just boxers. But you don't have anything that would really cover all the right places, and anyway, you don't know if you should even do this. She joins you in the bedroom, and you turn around, ready for battle. Instead, she's looking at you, with a very serious expression on her face.
“I like you,” she says, “There, I said it.”
If you're going to act on your fantasies, you want to do it properly. You'll need to be much more careful with her. You smile at her. “I think I like you too. But we only just met, and here you are in my bedroom wearing only a towel. It's a bit confusing.”
“I know. I'm sorry.”
“But I like you. And I'd really like to see more of you.”
“I know,” she says, “And I'd really like to see more of you too.” She kisses you.
You kiss her back.
You lie in your bed, wrapped in each other's arms. You like her. She's cute, and fun, and she likes you. But is this serious? Are you just here for the cute girl? Is this just a fling? You're torn. She starts to cough, and you break away from her.
“Are you OK?” you ask, rushing to her side.
“Yeah,” she says, “I just have a cold.”
“You sure that you're not still hurt from the other night?”
“I'm fine,” she insists, “Go back to sleep. I'll see you in the morning.” You fall back asleep.
Lydia is very sick for the next few weeks. Her temperature reaches dangerous heights. You take care of her, and you don't leave her side. Her temperature reaches 103, and she's in so much pain. But she doesn't want you to leave. You stay by her side. “I'm here. I won't leave you.”
“Promise?” she asks, “Promise.”
You spend the next three weeks in her bedroom. You spend every waking moment with her. You sleep with her every night, spooned behind her back. All the while falling for her a little more each day. It's not until the end of the third week that her fever breaks, and she is able to sit up in bed.
“I can't thank you enough for what you've done,” she says.
“No need to thank me.”
“I don't know how I can repay you,” she says, “I mean, I feel like I've taken advantage of you in so many ways.”
“You don't need to. Your company was enough.”
“Yeah, but your bed was empty until you came along.”
Lydia smiles at you.
“Well, to be honest, I was hoping someone would come along who could use it.”
She laughs. “I guess not in the way you expected.”
You smile, but it's a sad smile. “Yeah, I guess not.”
“I'll leave you be,” she says. “Do you want me to move out?”
“No?” she asks.
“I'll take care of you.”
“Really?” she asks.
Lydia smiles, and kisses you.
“Promise?” she asks.
“I promise.”
“Even though I'm feeling well again?”
“Because I don't want you to think that I'm just trying to take advantage of you,” she insists.
“You don't need to worry about that.”
“I do.”
“I just think...that I'm starting to really like you. I don't want you to go.”
“I won't. I promise.”
“Don't make promises you can't keep.”
“I'll do my best.”
You hold hands with Lydia. You kiss her.
“You don't hope that we're going to have sex though, right?” she says. “We're still strangers to a degree.”
“No, I want to have sex with you. I've thought about it a lot, and I want to have sex with you.”
“Oh...,” Lydia says. “I'm not ready for that.”
“I know. But it's going to happen, I promise.”
Lydia smiles. “I can wait.”
“I've learned over the years to be patient.”
“It's not always easy.”
“I know. But I've decided that...I'm going to be patient with you.”
“I appreciate that you like me,” she says, “I really do.”
“I think the wait will be worth it.”
You stay in Lydia's room for the rest of the week, and each day after that. You two fall further in love with each other.
You never leave her side.
One day you hear a thud in the bathroom. You go check on her, and find her lying on the bathroom floor.
“Lydia!” you yell.
You rush to her side, and she's barely breathing.
She moves slightly.
Her eyes flutter open.
“Did you die?” you ask, “You almost scared the shit out of me.”
“No,” she says, “But I felt close.”
“Here,” she points to her heart, “I think I felt something attack my heart.”
You examine her, and don't see anything wrong. “Maybe a bath will help. Get some of that soap opera on TV to keep you occupied.”
She laughs. “I don't watch that shit.”
“Just a suggestion.”
“Yeah. Sorry,” she says, “I'll try to watch it this time.”
“Good. I'm going to go get us some food.”
You hear the bathwater running. When you return with food, so is covered in bubbles.
“You can eat first, then get in the bath with me.”
“Um, naked?” you ask.
“I'll be fine. I'm not wearing anything under the bubbles.”
“You don't need to,” you say.
You sit down and eat. It's the longest meal of your life. You finish eating, then prepare to get in the tub. Lydia watches you undress. You take off each article of clothing until you are just in your underwear. You pause. You aren't sure if you should expose your junk to Lydia.
“You can go in the bath with just your underwear on,” she says.
“I think I'll go up to my room,” you say.
“Suit yourself. I'll be in the tub for a while.”
You head to your room. What an idiot you were. You botched your one chance. Now you'll never have sex.
Maybe you could find another girl. But that would be awkward, after telling her you love her, and having her say she can't be with you because she loves someone else. But that's stupid talk. You DO like her. It's just a big step.
Or, you could try to get back to her. See how she feels. If she still loves you, you'll be in there for a while.
You knock on her door.
“I knew you'd be back,” she says.
“Open up.”
She does.
“I love you,” you say.
“I love you, too.”
You kiss.
“Let's just wait a bit,” she says.
“No, I'm ready. At least for a bath with you.”
“Okay, come in.”
You know you could have gone in with underwear but you're feeling daring. You slip them off. Her eyes widen.
“I...love you,” she says, “I want to be with you.”
“And I want to be with you.” You slip under the bubbles. You are both obscured but know that you are so close.
“I'm scared,” she says, “Scared of our future.”
“I'm scared, too.”
“Me more,” she says, “But we can deal with it together. Whatever comes, we can handle it.”
You love her. You want to be with her. You feel the fear that she is feeling, but you are stronger than her.
You move your foot under the water and up to one of her breasts. You slowly start to move your leg along her stomach, and up to her breast. She moans. Her nipple is hard. “This feels soo nice.”
You smile, and move your other leg, and start to massage her other breast. You move up to her nipple, and begin to suck on it. She moans. “Holy shit, that feels so good,” She says, “I want you.”
You want her too, but this is just the beginning. You move your hand down to her mound. She moans. “Kyle, please,” she says, “Now.”
You slip two fingers into her. She moans. You push a little deeper. She tightens her grip on your wrist.
“Oh, God, yes,” she says, “Kyle, please-.”
You break the kiss, and laugh. “I think we just found our future.”
“Yeah. I'm not letting you go.” She sits up in the bathtub and gives you a view of her breasts. “You like?” she asks.
“Very much.”
She smiles, and says, “Kyle?”
“Fuck the bathtub.”
You laugh, and kiss.
You move into the bedroom. “This better?” you ask.
“Oh. Yes. That was...wonderful,” she says.
“I knew you were enjoying it.”
“You sneaky bastard.”
You lean in for a kiss. “Talk dirty to me.”
“Okay. I'm going to suck your cock. Like this.” She demonstrates by sucking on your neck.
“You're a dirty little thing, aren't you?”
“I guess.” She moves from your neck, down to your chest, to your stomach, and finally twirls her tongue around your cock. She moves up and down, occasionally taking a little break to make some sort of dirty joke.
“Okay. Here we go.”
She goes down on you, taking you all the way into her throat.
“I like it when you play with my hair,” she says.
You groan. You've never had a throatfuck before. It's amazing. It's just a little rough, but you wouldn't want to stop it.
“Is this okay?” she asks, “Should I go faster?”
She goes faster.
“Oh, that feels so good.”
She laughs. “Should I go faster?”
“I can do that,” she says.
You're getting dizzy. You grip her shoulders. “Now, Lydia, fuck me. Fuck me hard.”
“Harder than you ever have before,” she says.
“I can't. I can't.”
“I can. I can take all of you.” She pushes up on your shaft, forcing you deeper into her throat.
You can't help it. You explode in her throat. She holds it there for a moment, and then slowly releases you. She gags a bit, but nothing serious.
“I...like you.”
“I love you.”
She smiles, and says, “I love you too,” before falling asleep.
You lay next to her, stroking her hair in wonder. You're spent. Actual sex is off the table for tonight, but cuddling naked in your bed works for you. You fall asleep next to Lydia, and dream of a bright, shining future.
The next morning you wake up earlier than Lydia, and go get some food. “I can get it myself,” she says, “I don't need your help.”
“I can get it,” you say, “I want to.”
You get some food, and sit outside in the sun. You eat, and talk to Lydia. “That was amazing last night.”
“I know.”
“Do you...do you want to do it again?”
She smiles. “I want to do more.”
You smile, and she smiles back.
“Do you want to do it right now?”
“Yes,” she says, breathless.
You move your legs, and she moves hers.
“Fuck the bathtub,” she says, “I want you right now.”
You laugh, and agree. “Like out here on the front deck?” you say.
“Yes,” she says, “I want you to fuck me like that.”
“I'll pound you until you're sore.”
“I need it. I need it rough.” You rip off her top and throw it into the front yard. You move down, and she takes off her pants. She's wearing a pair of white cotton panties.
You move your fingers up her moist sex. “I think maybe you need a few more fingers in you.”
“No fingers. I need your cock.”
“We can do that too,” you say. You undress, and look at her.
She's beautiful.
She climbs onto you, and you enter her.
“That feels so good. Do it hard, like you did it last night.”
“I will. I will, Lydia.”
You ride her for a few minutes, before she whispers, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Lydia. So much.”
She lets out a little gasp, and moves to squeeze your cock. “I'm going to cum. You make me cum.”
“I want to make you cum. Do you want me to stop?”
“No. Keep doing what you're doing. I want to come. I want to come so bad.”
You keep pounding away at her, until she starts to ride your hands. “Do it. Do it. Don't stop. Don't ever stop.”
You keep going, until Lydia lets out a little scream when you climax inside of her. “Fuck. That was so good,” she says, and she squirms under you, before pushing out a little semen.
You say, “You complete me.”
“Fuck, that was incredible,” she says, and lies there for a few minutes. Then she rolls off of you, and onto her back. “I'm exhausted.” She turns to you. “Kyle?”
“Together until the end?”
She smiles, and she kisses you. “I'm going to get a bath started.”
You nod, and watch her go inside. You rest your head on your hand, thinking about Lydia. About how much you love her. You grin, and start thinking about how you were going to tell her. You walk into the bathroom and she is in. You dip into the scalding water.
She says, “I can't believe you got me into this situation.”
“I told you, I love you.”

“Yeah.” She giggles a little bit and pulls out a razor. “Together until the end.” She slices into her wrist, and you grab her arm and hold it together in yours. She says, “We're going to be fine.”
“We are.”
She winces a little as she cuts. Blood trickles down her wrist, and she says, “Kyle? I'm going to be fine. You're going to be fine. We're going to be fine.”
“Yes, we will.” She hands you the razor. “I guess we should finish it, huh?”
You slice your wrist, and you join Lydia in the bathtub. The water turns crimson.
You lie down next to Lydia, and she presses her blood and yours together. You gasp and moan as their blood mixes. She whispers to you, “We're so strong now. We can do anything.”
She is right. You and her are strong. You are strong. You are invincible.
You say goodbye to Lydia. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She says, “Come back to me.”
“I will.”
You wake up two days later, and she is gone.
She was your first. Your first everything.
Editor's Thoughts: I'm seeing a pattern with these endings.