Camp Camp
Editor's Forward: This was based on a prompt that can be found here. I've added italics to that portion.

You Ray, a male, and your girlfriend, Holly, are so happy together! You love her and she loves you. She is bubbly, sweet and adorably clingy! You couldn't ask for a better girlfriend and you are both happy!
One morning, you and Holly wake up, have breakfast and watch some TV. However...everyone on TV is Holly!? Every show, every news station, every movie! All of them were Holly! They looked exactly like her! They had her black hair, her blue eyes, and slim figure. They were all five-foot just like her and 100lbs. They even had the same personality! What was happening!? This can't be real!
“What's going on?” you ask.
“I don't know,” Holly replies. “I have no memory of being on TV. I know I look exactly like that chick on EVERY show, but I have no memory of that time on the set of that movie when everything went crazy.
You channel surf some more to see the extent, but it's all her. She is on every single channel, sometimes two at a time. No matter what the channel is, the shows are all about her. And the movies? She's in every movie.
“Huh, the entire cast of Seinfeld.” You say.
“Seinfeld was a bunch of guys in a room talking about their lives. What does that have to do with me?” she asks.
“Well now each of the four is a copy of you.” You say. “That means we can kill two birds with one stone. We can kill all the copies and get rid of all the people who look exactly like you and the same thing happens.”
“Oh,” she says. “Wait, what?”
“We could just kill all the people that look exactly like you, and then kill the people that are you.” You say.
“You want to kill people?” she asks. “Why? Why would I want to kill people that look exactly like me? That's stupid.”
You sigh. “They're evil clones. I don't think it counts as murder.”

“What happens if someone is looking exactly like me?” she asks. “I mean what if I go to work and they start asking me to do their job? What happens then?”
“Not sure. I wonder if they're as confused as you are. Maybe they wouldn't know that you're the real original?”
“I guess...I'm a little scared,” she admits.
“Don't worry baby. You've got me.” You say.
You two end up spending most of the day watching more of Holly's episodes. Holly becomes more and more clingy and whiny, which you try to deal with by distracting her. At night you get a devious idea. After she falls asleep on the couch, you flip over to the Playboy channel. You're a bit curious to see if those shows will feature her too.
They do.
You begin to channel surf through all the Playboy channels until you find one featuring a different Holly. Holly with a different hairstyle, makeup, and outfit. Two women that look like her. You know a steamy sex scene is coming up, and your heart races knowing that you get to witness a lesbian scene of your girlfriend with herself. You prepare for the steamy scene, and sure enough it occurs. Holly is in bed with one of the women and the other is kissing her breasts.
Just then Holly wakes up in anger. “What the hell was that?! Who were those two women?! Where are we?”
You quickly tell her the truth. “I'm sorry babe. I was just curious. I've never really seen you in action from an outside perspective. Please forgive me.”
She calms down and assures you that she still loves you. You then flip to the next channel and the next Holly is back. You go back to watching Holly shows until she falls asleep. You then flip back to the first Holly. You two then make out for a long time.
At some point you drift off to sleep too.
In the morning Holly wakes up and goes to leave. Now that she's gone, you flip back to the adult stations and watch her screw herself in every possible way. You pass out on the couch with your pants around your ankles, and your flaccid dick in your hands.
Holly returns and finds you snoring on the couch. “Oh my God.” She says. “You pervert!”
“What? I was sleep.”
“You were watching porn while you were asleep!”
You look down at your junk. “Holy shit! What do we do?”
“Can you get dressed?” She asks.
“I think so.”
“Let's go kill all the Holograms!”
“Yeah! Yeah! Let's do it! Come on! Can I wear my leather jacket? It's in the closet.”
You head to your room and change into your leather jacket. You happen to pass a mirror and stop in your tracks. You look like Holly too.

You go to the kitchen and she is there. But...that isn't really her. Two Monks in brown robes stand behind her. They are stabbing her with long thin knives.
“Holly!” You shout.
She turns to look at you. The Monks keep stabbing until you are in the reflection.
“I'm coming, baby!” You shout. You start running downstairs.
You two charge into the street where a bunch of the evil holograms are waiting for you. You take them out easily. You run and hide behind a car. You hear a loud crack as the last hologram explodes. You're victorious, but with the love of your life dead, what is the point of going on?
There is none. You're dead inside.
You go home to find a letter from her.
My Dearest Ray,
I knew you would eventually figure out what happened. I couldn't keep this a secret anymore. The Holograms are evil. I watched them murder a man. I watched them kill me. I killed them all. I'm dead. I don't care. I want you to know how much I loved you. I want you to know you will always live in my heart. Goodbye, my love. I wish I could have said goodbye to you in person.
Your one and only girlfriend,
P.S. She killed the Monks.
You sit there and reread her letter for what must be the tenth time. It changes nothing. You live your life alone and your girlfriend is dead.
Editor's Thoughts: Holly...Holograms...nice one A.I. Seemed to open happen after the mention of the mirror though. Weird turn of events in any case.