Girl In The Forest
Editor's Forward: This was based on a prompt that can be found here. I've added italics to that portion.

A rabbit darts across your path and you watch it disappear into the brush as you walk through the peaceful woods. The early morning sun is shining through the trees, giving the whole forest a beautiful glow. As you walk, you hear something in the distance. It sounds like a voice. The further down the path you go, the clearer it becomes. It almost sounds like singing. You slow your pace, not wanting to make a sound as you listen to the melody echoing through the trees. Soon, you stray off the path and follow the sound of the voice. You spot a clearing in the distance that seems to be where the incredible voice is coming from. Quietly, you crouch down behind a large oak and peer around the corner at the breathtaking sight awaiting you. Standing in the clearing is a girl, most likely your age, wearing a long, white dress. Her auburn hair flows in the wind as she continues to sing in her angelic voice.
“Wow.” You whisper under your breath. The girl turns toward where you are hiding, and you catch a glimpse of her green eyes that sparkle in the sunlight. She gasps and you realize that while you were busy staring at her, she spotted you. “Hi.” You say as you step out from behind the oak. You step forward and she takes a step back. She is clearly nervous. You take another step out of the shadows and into the light of the clearing, giving her a warm smile. “That was beautiful.” A slight blush crosses her face. “I'm Devon. What's your name?”
She hesitates for a moment, her sparkling eyes seeming to be taking you in. “Iris.” She says in a soft voice.
You take another step closer and she flinches. “It's alright.” You say, extending your hand to her. She looks at your hand and slowly extends hers as well, placing it in yours. You hold it there ever so gently, rubbing your thumb over the top of her hand. Her skin is so soft. She looks up at you and seems to relax. She takes a step closer to you and hugs you gently. You embrace her back and she leans her head on your shoulder.
“Thank you for listening to me.” She whispers.
“It's my pleasure.” You comment. “I've never heard something so soothing.”
“I...I just don't have many friends. It's nice to have someone to talk to.” She looks up at you and the corners of her mouth turn upward in a soft, shy smile.
“I could be your friend. I have very few,” you say.
Iris nods, still smiling, as she steps toward you. She pulls you in for a kiss. It is sweet, soft, and full of wonder. You embrace her gently, allowing your fingers to lightly slide into her hair. As you lean in, you feel her small hands wrap around your back and pull you in even closer. The kiss is long and passionate. When it ends, she steps back and looks into your eyes.
“I...I like you, Devon.” She says quietly.
“I like you too, Iris.” You stare into her green eyes. You can see the uncertainty in them, as if she's not quite sure of what to do. She fidgets nervously and you feel butterflies fluttering around in your stomach.
She turns away from you and steps backward. “Follow me,” she says. She walks into the woods at a rapid pace. You follow close behind, keeping an eye on her. She walks for several minutes before she stops in front of a large oak tree. She turns to you. “Do you trust me?”
“I do.”
“Good.” She turns and begins to climb up the tree. You follow suit. She sits herself on a branch and motions for you to do the same, and you comply. She extends her hand for you and you grip it tightly. “You can see the forest from here.” She says.
“So you don't mind me being here?” you ask.
“Of course not,” she replies.
“Why are you up here, Iris?”
“I like to watch the sun rise.”
“I...I can't find anybody to talk to. I don't have any friends.”
Iris nods. “I know the feeling.”
“Do you?”
“I do.” She shifts on the branch. “I have no friends either.”
“Why?” you ask.
“It's a long story.”
“I have the time.”

“Alright.” She shifts again. “When I was a little girl, my mother took me to visit my father's family for the first time. I was so excited. I remember being in the forest near their house, just walking aimlessly. I must have wandered in a circle, because suddenly I found myself back at the house again. I was scared. I got back on the path and continued walking. It took me awhile, but I eventually made my way to the house again. My grandmother welcomed me with open arms. I didn't know her very well, because I didn't visit often. But we became close nonetheless. That day, she told me a story that I will never forget. Even though I don't see her as often as I would like, I treasure that memory.
“And now you're alone?” you ask.
“I am.”
You fall silent. You don't know what to say. You want to comfort her, but you don't know how. You are completely at a loss for words. “What do you do for fun?” you ask.
“Yeah, fun. You know, when you're not singing.”
“Oh. Well, when I'm not singing, I sew. My mother taught me.”
“Do you swim?” you ask.
“Yes, I love to swim.”
“You should come to the lake. We swim there.”
“Maybe I will,” she says. “I think I'll go for a swim.”
“How about now?” you say, extending your hand.
“Now is good.”
She takes your hand and you grasp it tightly, as if it's the only thing keeping you from falling off the edge of the earth. You run to the lake where the waves lap at the shore. Iris follows you. You turn to see her holding onto your hand. She looks into your eyes, and you stare back. You both remove your shoes and step onto the cool, wet sand. “This is so nice.” You say. She smiles back.
You sit on the shore and she sits next to you. The sun is high in the sky. It has started to get warm. Birds fly overhead. Butterflies float by. Everything in nature is in its own cycle, and everything is in its own peace.
You turn to Iris. Her flawless skin reflects the sun. You want to ask her to swim in the lake, but anxiety prevents you. You don't want to let go of her. You look into her green eyes and feel a shiver run through you. You look back at the lake, and she looks back at you.
“Weren't you going to invite me to swim?” she asks.
“I...I forgot.”
“You forgot.”
You look into her eyes and you feel your face flush red. “I'm sorry,” you say.
“Well, I still want to swim.”
You smile. It's what you hoped to hear. “Alright, let's do it.”
She turns and runs into the water. You run in right behind her. She kicks off her shoes and steps into the water. “Wait...I don't have a swimsuit,” you say.
“What does that matter?” she asks.
“I don't know. Just being polite.”
She rolls her eyes. “You can swim without a swimsuit. Nobody cares.”
“Are you sure?”
Your anxiety about swimming without a suit is alleviated when she steps into the water. You watch as she kicks off her shoes, and then dives into the water. She surfaces and watches you. “Um, can you close your eyes until I get in?” you say. She closes her eyes and you jump in.
The water is surprisingly cool. It was hot out in the sun, but being in the water feels refreshing. You swim. It feels so freeing. You have so many questions you want to ask her, but you hold back. You feel like if you say the wrong thing, it might ruin the bond you share. You don't want that. Instead you float there in the water, content. “I'm getting tired,” she says. “I think I'll go rest on shore.”
You squint your eyes, but keep them open slightly. You shouldn't look, but you watch her exit the lake. She walks out of the water and onto the sand. Her perfect skin reflects the sun. You can't help but stare. Her hair is a golden auburn. It falls down to the small of her back. She turns around, “Aren't you coming out too?” You want to, but she appears to have no intention of closing her eyes. You are embarrassed by your lack of swimsuit. You begin to tread water in an attempt to stay afloat. You were a good swimmer in your school's pool, but that was with a suit and a lane line in the way.
“Are you going to close your eyes?” you ask.
“No. Why would I do that?”
“Do you trust me?”
She stares at you. “Yes.”
“Then close your eyes.”
“Because I said so.”
She smiles. “I don't think so. You're going to have to get out sooner than later.” She takes a deep breath. “I'm going to count to three. One, two...”
You don't know what she's doing, but she's obviously getting ready to do something. “...Three!”
Her feet leave the ground. She disappears from view. You try to keep your eyes open, but it's no use. Before you know it, you're floating in the water. You hear giggling as you float higher, eventually breaking the surface of the water. There you are, exposed. The entire beach has disappeared. You can see the two of you, and you're completely naked. Iris is at the opposite end of the lake, several yards away. You watch as she kicks her legs in the air. Her laughter is contagious.
“What's so funny?” you ask.
“You're embarrassed to be seen.”
“Excuse me?”
“You're embarrassed that you're naked.”
“Well, yes. It feels improper.”
“That's why we're naked. You don't think I feel proper? I'd do anything to be properly embarrassed.”
You can't help but laugh at that. “Why so?”
“Because I'm a virgin.”
“So am I,” you say.

“I know, but I don't think we should be together. I think we should keep our distance. Our first time should be special.”
“It will be. I promise.” You figure the first step is to let your guard down. You move your hands away from your nether regions. She follows suit.
“Will you promise to keep your distance?” she says.
“I promise.”
She takes your hand. You notice that her skin is much softer than you expected. “You look good,” she says. “You look really good.”
“I'll look better with clothes,” you say.
“I like your honesty.”
“Will you kiss me?”
You lean in to kiss her. Her lips are soft and warm. You don't know whether to kiss her with passion or restrain yourself. You decide to let your instincts guide you and kiss her passionately. Her lips are soft and her tongue responds to yours. You push your groin against hers as you deepen the kiss. It's been too long since you've kissed a girl. You hope it won't be your last.
“I thought we were keeping our distance?” she says.
“I just wanted to kiss you, is all.”
You move your hands to the back of her head. You pull her in tighter to your body. Your hands explore her back. She moans as you continue to kiss her. Your hands move to her butt. You squeeze it, moving your fingers around her backside. She shivers. “This is all so new.”
You push your growing erection against her. She moans. “I want to feel you inside of me.”
“I want to feel you inside of me too.”
She releases her grip on your hands. “Do you want to go to my house, or do you want to do it here?”
“I don't want you to think of me as a freak. I want you to understand that what we're doing here is special.”
“I don't think of you as a freak,” she says seriously.
“I don't think of you as a freak either,” you say. “Come on, I'll show you my house.”
You walk with her to your house. She lives in a small cottage that is surrounded by a thick forest.
You step inside. “This is nice.”
“It's home. I've lived here my whole life. When I was little, my parents used to take me hunting here. I used to sit by the water most days to keep guard. When I was little, I used to pretend that the water was the ocean and the forest was the beach.”
You laugh at that. “I don't think my parents would approve of us being together. They'd probably think we're too young to even be talking about doing...that.”
“I don't care. I don't care what they think.”
“Well, I care what they think. I want them to approve.”
“I understand. We were moving a little too fast.”
“It's fine.”
“No, it's not fine. It's not fine at all. I'm sorry.”
Iris grabs your hand. “We can still spend time together. And we don't have to get dressed. I like seeing your body even if we don't want to be intimate just yet. Do you like mine?”
“Yes.” Your voice catches in your throat. This is the moment where you should tell her that you like her too, but you stay silent. Why? You don't know. You look over her body. You most like her luscious, pink lips. You like the way she smiles. You like it when she looks into your eyes. You like it when she holds your hand. But you also feel nervous. Her hair drapes over her small breasts. You like her small, but perfectly formed breasts. You like the way her tailbone sticks out. You like how she has a long, thin body.
“Will you touch me?” she asks.
“Yes,” you say cautiously. “Where would you like me to touch?”
Iris leads you to the back of her house. “Will you touch me here?” she asks, nodding to her naked back.
You press your hand against her warm, bare back. You lean in to touch her lower back with your lips. She closes her eyes and her breath hitches; you can see her body shudder under your touch.
“That feels so good,” she sighs.
You move your hand to the top of her buttocks, squeezing it around her butt cheek. She shivers.
“Is this too much?” you ask.
“Do you like this?”
“Will you touch me?”
“Yes,” she says. She turns around and looks over your body. She caresses a finger down your chest, but stops at your waist. She pushes her finger into your crotch.
“You feel so good,” she whispers.
You slide your hands down her back. She turns to face you. Her eyes are bright. She kisses you. Her hand gently grabs your penis. She doesn't stroke, only holds it firmly. Your eyes widen; you don't know if you are enjoying this as much as she is. She kneels down so that she is on a level with you, and she continues to hold you.
“I want to be inside of you.” You say. “Please.”
“You're so beautiful. I want to make you feel good,” she whispers.
She opens her legs. “Are you sure?”
She slowly slides her warm, wet folds over you. You grab her buttocks tightly, guiding her into you. Slowly, you enter her.
You lean back so that you can look at her. She closes her eyes and lets out a contented sigh. She moans softly.
“I feel so good,” she breathes.
You close your eyes and thrust into her. Her moist heat is unmatched.
“God, Iris,” you groan.
This feels so right. You've fallen in love.
She kisses you again. This time, she kisses you deeply.
She kisses you again.
This is the summer that changed everything.