Meeting the Gang Leader
Editor's Forward: This was based on a prompt that can be found here. I've added italics to that portion.

You curse yourself for your carelessness again as the gang leader approaches. You've lead your foraging teams this way many times before, but it's always been safe enough, and you didn't spot the threat this time until it was too late. Your team members huddle tightly around you.
Their leader is younger than you expected, almost as young as you. Her outfit is elaborate, obviously designed for show, covered with studs and spikes. It's tight-fitting to show off her physique, and low-cut in the front. You have to admit she wears it well. Her hair is long and dyed, with a clan insignia shaved into a patch at the temple.
Her eyes find yours and she gives a lazy smile and half-bow. “I'm Becca. A pleasure to meet you.”
You step forward, your heart pounding. “This is our territory,” you say. “You have no right to-”
“This is the part where you introduce yourselves,” she interrupts.
She's right. You flush, embarrassed at being schooled in protocol by a gang member. You stumble through introductions with as much poise as you can muster.
“What are you planning to do with us?” you ask.
The lazy smile again. “What am I going to do? I'm going to let you go. We even have gifts for you.” She signals to one of her men, who brings several bags loaded with food and supplies and places them in front of you. “Compliments of the Blue Eagle Clan.”
This isn't what you expected. “Why are you giving this to us?” you ask.
She moves closer to you. “This is clan territory now. We're the first, but there will be others. We'd like good relations with the locals. Consider it a goodwill token.”
You know that nothing like this ever comes without a price. You hold her gaze. “And in return?”
She makes a dismissive gesture. “Let's say, certain favors to be decided at a later date.”
“Decided by you?” you ask. She gives a slight smile, but doesn't answer. “What if we don't like what you ask for?” you continue. “Can we negotiate, or substitute?”
Her eyes narrow. “I'm not sure you fully understand the situation here. The clans are moving in. You can't be neutral any more, and you're not in a position to negotiate. You need to pick a side.”
Your anger gets the better of you for a moment. “You think pretty highly of yourself, don't you?” you snap.
This seems to take her by surprise. For a second, her expression is unguarded, and she looks much younger. The moment passes and the lazy smile returns. “That's not really your concern right now, now, is it?” she says.
You feel the need to defend yourself, even though you know it serves no purpose. “It is,” you say.
“Of course,” she says. “Well. It was nice meeting you, Dolph. Sorry to hear you're going to hell.”
She holds out her hand. You take it. “You first you wretched cunt.”
You feel her grip hard around your fingers, and she pulls you backwards as you stumble, until your back bumps against the wall. “What did you call me?” she asks.
“I called you a miserable cunt!” you shout, struggling to pull away.
“I'm not interested in your opinion of me!” she says. She pushes you up against the wall again, tighter this time.
“Suck my cock!” you spit.
She gives a chuckle and pushes your head against the wall. “Suck on this, you little cunt, and you'll see how great I am! Now get on your knees and put it in your mouth!”
You whip your dick out in defiance, and she grabs your hair with one hand and shoves your face against it. “Suck it like a stupid little bitch! Suck it like you mean it!”
“I would if it wasn't so tiny,” she mocks.
You grit your teeth and put your cheek on the wall, taking in the musk of her sweat, as she grips the back of your head. She flicks your dick. That's all the action you'll get. She lets you go and you collapse to your knees, breathing heavily.
“Now, don't disappoint me,” she says.
“Screw you!” you say, and lunge forward, ramming your dick against her snatch. Her eyes go wide as she gasps.
“You're not supposed to use force!” she says.
“You don't strike me as the sensitive type.”
“I said put it in!” she hisses.
“You put it in first!” you say. “I'll play with your tits for you when we're done!”
“I said—” She smacks you to the ground. Not hard, but hard enough to make you wince.
“You said put it in.” You roll over, your back feeling the indentation as it was pressed into the ground.
“You're not putting anything in me, you pig-fucking piece of shit.” She spits into your mouth.
“Suck my cock, you little whore!”
“Don't you DARE talk dirty to me!”
“I'll do what I please to your dirty cunt!” You lunge forward, ramming your dick against her snatch.
“I said NO!” she says, her voice rising. “You're not allowed to do this, you bastard! Not here! You know I need to be... intact!”
“Screw you! I'll bust new holes on you if you don't loosen up!”
“Let... me... go...”
“I WILL!” You let her drop onto the ground. She makes a desperate attempt to crawl out from under you, but you're on her in a second. You grab her arm just before you pin her down, and you punch her in the throat. With your other hand you stroke your dick, inches from her face. She's struggling in your grip, her face contorted with pain, when she notices your hard on. “You like this, you dirty slut?” You feel the tension in your balls. You can practically feel her wetness as it seeps in between her thighs. “You want some of this, you dirty whore? You want a piece of my big dick?”
You could stop. But you don't. You're almost ready to orgasm. You could let her go. But you won't.
You give her a final hard punch to the throat, letting go of her arm as you groan. You almost come right there.
“Well? Do you want a face full?” You slide your hard-on into her crack. She gasps.
“Bastard,” she says. Her eyes roll back as she goes limp. “I'm not... say anything... you... bastard...”
You pump one last time and coat her face in a torrent of your seed. She's barely conscious when you roll off her, your balls aching, the smell of come and her hot, wet skin coating you. You sigh. You need water... and a wash.
After some searching, you find a stream and soak and clean yourself with your clothes. You don't find any food, unfortunately. You can't even use her to get it, since she's still breathing heavily, her body twitching slightly.
You need to get moving. Find some food. Get out of this place. The sooner you get these thoughts out of your head, the sooner you can get some food in your stomach.
You think about what to do next. “Hey whore, any ideas?” You say, rubbing the back of her neck.
“I won't... suck your... dick,” she says, almost incoherently.
“I've decided. I'm letting you go.”
“I don't give a fuck... what you let me go...” Becca says, her eyes fluttering, her body twitching.
“I said I'm releasing you.”
“I'll... kill you,” she wheezes, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.
“Good. I'm hungry.”

You decide to give her the last of the food you scrounged up and try to walk away as fast as you can. You continue to walk. You find a road and follow it. You come across a gas station with an open fuel pump. A bullet-ridden noticeboard sits on the counter, covered in price lists and other notices. You scan it for anything that might help you find food. You find a small notice pinned above the pump.
You find three No. 2 fuel cans on the ground. You also find a full gallon of gasoline. It's getting dark soon. You need to find a fire and build some shelter. You can't continue like this. You'll die without food. You pocket the gallon of gas and load the cans into your pack. You set the gallon on the ground and begin to walk again, trying to decide where to go.
You find another road and follow it. You find a trail and follow it. You find a cabin. You break the cabin's window with your pack and crawl inside. Your welcome mat is a bed of straw. You're sick. You need to find a bathroom. You're weak from hunger. Where do you go? Becca crawls through the door frame. She's naked.
“Well, well, well. Look who's awake,” she says, smiling. She moves towards you and you back away, horrified.
“What the hell did you give me?” you ask.
“I told you before. It was a gift. You can't really blame me for this, can you?”
You run to the window and look for help. The cabin is pretty isolated. No one would be able to find you.
Becca crawls behind you and slips her arms around your waist.
“I'm sorry, Dolph,” she says.
“Get off me,” you say. You push her away and slip out of the window. You hear her whimpering as she crawls out.
You close your eyes. You wait for the inevitable. You hear a voice calling your name. “Dolph! Dolph!” You open your eyes. The cabin is on fire. Becca screams. You run outside.
Outside, the night air is burning your lungs. Your throat hurts from inhaling so much smoke. You crawl over to Becca, who is on the scorched grass, smoke rising from the fire where she lay.
You move away from the flames, towards her. You grab her and pull her away from the fire as best you can. “You killed us! You killed us!” she cries.
“Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to help us! You fucking bitch! You killed us! You killed us!”
You pull out a knife and cut through her bonds. “I'm not going to let you die!” you say.
You take her over your shoulders and head back into the cabin. You search for something to put her in. You find an old blanket in a closet and wrap her in it. You find an empty baby carrier on the floor and cradle her head in your hands. You slide her into it. The blanket is too big to fit through the door frame. You carefully push it in through the gap beneath the window and use your foot to help shove it in.
“Ouch, you douche.”
You close the door, latch it, and wrap the blanket around you. You look for something to sit on. You find a pair of empty duffel bags and sit on top of them. “Pipe down,” you say. “I need to think. I'm trying to decide whether I should leave you here or take you with me.”
“Can I trust you?” Becca asks.
“Probably not. But I don't know who else to trust.”
“Better think of something soon.”
“What do you mean?”
“I need to pee,” she says.
You turn your back on her. You need to think. You don't really have a choice. You need to decide what to do. You know she's right. Eventually, you need to pee. You're thirsty. You need to find water. You can't go on like this.
You go into the next room and find a small sink. You turn on the faucet. You stick your head under the faucet and drink several gulps of water. It's not enough. You need a lot more. You search the cabinets above the sink and find some jars of some kind of powdered milk. You open one of the lids.
“What are you doing?” Becca asks.
“I need water.”
“We don't have any more. We need to find some.”
“Thanks for the obvious you dumb fuck.”
“We need to find some. We don't know how much I have to go on. Maybe one bottle will do. Maybe two. Maybe more. I'm not sure.” You see that she's shivering.
“Don't worry. I know a little about first aid.”
You turn off the sink. “We should get some of these blankets off you before we find some water.” You start a fire to warm up. She still shivers since she's naked. You wrap her in one of the blankets and start to look for some water.
You find a few cases of canned food in one of the rooms. The fire begins to die down, so you strip off the rest of your clothes and burn them. You look at her. “Guess we're even now.”
You head back to the cabin and find a large water bottle. You fill it with water from one of the cans. You hold it to Becca's lips. “Open up. I'll hold it down.” Becca opens her mouth and you pour it down her throat.
“Thanks. I think I'm going to be sick.” You help her off the porch and find somewhere to throw up. She pukes on you, but you don't mind.
You have to do the same thing for yourself since you didn't feel up to sharing with her.
Becca is shivering so hard she can't stand. You sigh and hold her to conserve heat.
“We need to find another source of heat.”
“Maybe we could build a fire in the cabin.”
“Or maybe you can fiddle while Rome burns, genius.”
“Look, we're not going to make it if we don't find some way to warm ourselves. If we build a fire, the smoke will attract people. If the smoke attracts people, the smoke will bring the radiation.”
“So, then we have trouble.”
You stare at the cabin, wondering what else you can do. You're stranded in the middle of nowhere with a girl who can barely stand. It's about damn time you did something cool. Becca is still shivering and it's hard to focus on anything else. You hold her tighter. Your nude bodies pressed. Warm. Together. You close your eyes and imagine you're back in the boat basin. You can smell the trees and feel the sun on your back. You can hear the wind in the leaves. You can taste the beer and smoke on your tongue. You should be having fun. You should be having Becca.
You can feel the warmth coming back into your fingers. And the blood entering your dick . You close your eyes and imagine her in your arms again. She smiles. Maybe tomorrow...
You open your eyes. You look at the cabin. Smoke coming out the windows. Something's wrong. You help Becca up the porch steps. The wooden steps creaking with every step. The front door is open. You escape from the windows. You see no signs of smoke. No fire. You look at Becca. She's naked. You step towards her. She looks at you.
“Let's check the bedroom,” she says.
“Sounds good. I'll give you a good pounding there.”
You step inside the house. Becca follows. The heat hits you. You turn off the faucet and drop the blanket on the floor. The walls are wet. The door to the bedroom is open. You walk inside. There's a bed. A dresser. A few chairs. Everything is wet.
She's lying in bed. Shivering. Somehow you feel pity for her. Perhaps you need to call a truce. Perhaps she has a point. You open a dresser drawer.
Empty. You walk over and lie down in the bed next to her.
“Is it nice?” she asks.
“What? Your tits? Yeah, there pretty good.”
She sighs. “I meant the bed. I haven't had a good night's sleep in a long time.”
“I'm sorry.”
“It's been a rough couple of weeks.”
“Yeah, and I haven't made it better. Can we make some sort of peace agreement?”
“Yes. You can stop shivering and I'll stop puking.”
You wrap her in the blanket and try to hold her close. She snuggles into you. “Sorry about everything. We'd probably make a good team.”
“I'm not sure about that. We'd probably make a good corpse. But, yeah, I suppose we could try.”
“Try to be a team, or try to be a pair of corpses?”
“Okay, how about this: we try to be a team. But if we do that and it doesn't work then we can be corpses and no one will be upset.”
“Agreed.” You pull the covers tight and press into her body.

She smiles.
“Can we sleep now?” she asks.
“I want to look at the moon.”
“It's out the window.”
“I want to be able to remember this.”
You leave the windows open for her.
She crawls out the bed.
“Becca,” you say.
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Sure, what?”
“Could sleep with me?”
“I'm pretty certain my claustrophobia isn't going to go away anytime soon. Can you sleep with me?”
“Sleep next to you, or let you penetrate me while I sleep?”
“If I sleep with you, can you stop me from killing myself?”
Becca looks into your eyes. She looks long and hard. She sighs.
“Maybe,” she says. She walks back to your bed. The sight of her gets you instantly aroused. You grab the blanket and pull it over your lower half.
“What do you mean 'maybe'?” you ask.
“If you promise to let me sleep.”
“I promise to let you sleep.”
“I don't trust you.”
She dips down on your dick and swallows it. You stop arguing. You enjoy her touch. You lie back and she crawls into the bed.
“I... I like you.”
“I know you like me.”
“Cool, now shut up and fuck me.”
“Shut up and fuck you is what I meant. Violently.”
“Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?”
“Fuck, yeah, I'd like that.”
You lie there and enjoy the sensation of her body on top of yours. Her warm vagina envelopes you. You're close to coming, but you keep it in for fear of surprising her.
“You better make me come first,” she says.
“I will.”
“I mean it.”
“I know.”
“I'm serious. If you come first, I'll... I'll call it even.” You hold out until you feel her nails tighten on your stomach. You let out a scream of pleasure and wrap your arms tightly around her.
When you come down from your orgasm, she's limp and asleep.
You leave her in the bed and walk away from the room.
You sit down on the couch and replay the last few minutes in your head. You try to figure out what you could have done differently. But it was as it should have been. She had her fun. You had yours. No hard feelings.
You hear something behind you. You turn and see Becca standing there, looking at you.
“I'm sorry.”
“For what?”
“Like killing people or something?”
“No, not killing people. That was just an example.”
“Then what do you mean?”
“The way I said it. I didn't mean you were one of those people. You're not one of those people, are you?”
“I don't know. Maybe. What people?”
“The people who think they're somehow 'better' because they survived the plague or some other apocalypse. The ones who think they're entitled to kill everyone else. The leaders.”
“I'm not like that.”
“I know you're not. Even so. You might be one of them.”
“Why would you say that?”
“Because it's true. And it's my fault.”
“It's your fault? How is it your fault?”
“I should have talked to you more. Made you feel better.”
“But you tried.”
“I know, but... shit. Look, I'm not one of those assholes. I'm just lonely.”
“I know. I know you're not one of those.” You smile and embrace her.
“So, can we do that again? Just us?”
“Yeah. Again. Again.”