
Editor's Forward: This was based on a prompt that can be found here. I've added italics to that portion. It's a rough one, and pretty violent. I'd add a rape warning, but it's a guy, so you one cares.

You smile as the demon at your feat lets out a final scream before turning to ash. “How unfortunate,” you say as you pick the ashes up and toss them aside. “Have I not warned them enough not to disturb me while I am asleep?”

Your bedchamber is at the very top of your magnificent fiery fortress. You enjoy having your privacy in your room, unless you have a guest whom you have granted special permission, however it is not uncommon for a weak demon to try to sneak a peak at you as you sleep. You aren't too mad about it, since you turn them all to ash anyway. You are actually quite flattered. No mortal nor demon can compare to your beauty.

You walk away from your bed and into your ginormous walk-in closet, filled with many beautiful outfits from all across the world. You decide to go for your usual look: nothing.

You head down to your throne room and all of your loyal demon guards immediately turn to attention as you enter. You take your place atop your throne and look down at the room below. You see one of the guards trying to get your attention. “What is it?” You ask in an impatient tone.

He bows his head. “Forgive me, my queen. We received a human prisoner today. Some of your loyal followers have given him to you as an offering. A gift.” This intrigues you, and you find yourself a little curious.

“Bring him to me,” You say in a commanding voice. Several guards walk off and come back in with the prisoner. They drag him in by his arms, his wrists and ankles chained, and throw him at your feet. He looks around the room frantically, obviously terrified.

A large grin of amusement creeps across your face. You step down from your throne and take a closer look at him. He is a handsome young man, with strong arms and gorgeous blonde hair. No doubt from a local village. He isn't too badly hurt, just a few scratches.

“Pass the message on that I am pleased with this gift,” you say. The guard nods.

“And what shall we do with the prisoner?” He asks.

You grin mischievously, and the man looks up at you in horror, his eyes begging for mercy. “rape.”

Immediately the men all stand up in preparation for kidnapping the human. You grab him by his hair and force him to look at you. “You will not have an easy time of it. None of you will. You will suffer. And you will not die quickly.” You let go of him and the men stop what they're doing. You turn away from the prisoner. “Do not fail me.” You say.


You turn back to the prisoner, who is staring at you in awe. He looks frightened and confused. You walk over to him and pull a blade from your hair. You cut his lips, forcing him to open his mouth. You stab his tongue and make him gag. “Speak.” You say.

He begins to cry as he nods. He speaks in broken French, which only gives you amusement. You begin to speak in a low voice, so that the other demons do not hear. You speak to him in French, which he understands. You pull his tongue out and cut his tongue so that he is unable to speak.

You make sure he is understanding you by jabbing him in the throat with the point of the knife. He nods in response, and so you continue. You ask the man questions to ensure he understands every word. “Do you understand?” You ask.

You make him nod again. “Is this your only language?” You ask.

Again he nods. You decide to put the knife to his eye, just to be sure. He recoils in pain. “Answer me!” You demand.

He begins to cry and shake and you pull the knife out of his eye. “Oui, oui,” he sobs. You make sure by jabbing him in the throat.

“Speak proper French.” You say.

You make him stand in front of you and you get down on your knees and look up at him. You smile. His eyes bulge with terror. You stand back up and make him your prisoner. With a swift slice of your talons, you cut his clothes off. His fear manifests in slight arousal.  You grin, satisfied.

You take out your massive, black feathers and force him to wear it. You make sure to stick it in his mouth and up his ass crack so that he can't make himself comfortable. You look down at your prisoner in disgust. You are a powerful demoness, but you are not cruel. You decide to carry him down to your throne room, your favorite place in the fortress. It is dimly lit with candles, and you can sit and watch the humans suffer as they scream at the mercy of your loyal demons.

You take the prisoner and place him down on the ground. You kick him in the stomach so that he can't make a pit stop on his way to hell. You place your talons in a position to carve out his heart with one swift motion. You hesitate. Watching humans suffer is fun, but you want to taste their flesh too. You lick your lips, tempted.

You make your way through the long pathway to Hell's grandest chamber. You place the prisoner down next to the massive stone table. You sit down at your throne, the seat of power. You can feel the excitement beginning to build. You can feel the energy rising from the floor, from the walls, from the cool air. The crowd cheers, waiting for you to speak.

You look at the prisoner. You are the queen of the demons, and he is your prisoner. You have the ability to make him a slave to do your bidding. You can grant him favor with you, you can hurt him, you can even eat his heart if you wish. You can make him your lover and your plaything. You can torture him slowly and make him beg for his freedom. Or you can simply kill him, quickly and painlessly.

You look at the ceiling. You have servants who watch over you, and you trust them completely. Will they try to intervene if you order too much pain for the prisoner? Or would they simply obey you if you say not to?

You decide to enjoy the game. You decide to make the game last a long time.

You look at the prisoner. You decide it is time to begin.

“Tell me about hell.”

He begins to sob, shaking. “I... I... I...”

You reach forth and rip the man's tongue out of his mouth. He begins to struggle. You smile, and begin to speak.

“I have no need to be here. You, on the other hand...”

You rip his heart out and laugh.

You decide to taste a little bit. It is very good. You smile and lick the blood from your lips, before spitting the flesh out.

“We can leave anytime we want.” You say to the man. He looks up at you, terrified. You smile, and you watch as his soul is ripped from his body and you rip it from his chest. You are the queen of the demons, he is nothing.

Then again, when has that ever stopped you before?

You spit his flesh onto the ground, and begin to laugh as the crowd cheers. Despite his pain you notice that he has a slight erection.

You look at the ceiling. You have no need for this. You look back at the man. Time to enjoy this more pleasurable form of torture.

You reach down, spreading the man's blood across your fingers. You press it against your nostrils, and breathe deeply. You squeeze the blood, feeling it run down your nose and run down your throat while you suck in the air through your mouth and nose. You release the blood, and laugh.

 You rip the skin from his face and let the blood run down his chest while he begs for mercy. You rip out the lungs and stomach and liver and heart and you laugh as you suck in the warm air and blood and flesh and bone. Then you begin the sexual torture.  You remove his penis and balls and begin to lick the blood, smiling as you suck in his essence. You swallow it eagerly, feeling your body shudder at the delicious taste of him. You smile, and lick the blood from his cock, smiling as you feel him growing. You take it in your mouth, sucking and licking and swallowing and loving the feel of him growing in your mouth. You smile, as if in a daze, continuing your sexual torture. You let his sperm run from his cock down your throat, savoring every drop. You laugh, your mind racing, your body in a frenzy.

You climax, and feel your body shudder and shake, releasing your essence into the warm air around you. You smile, leaning back in your throne, waiting for the world to be in its place again.

Hours pass, as the crowd grow tired of your game. They begin to wander back to their homes or to the taverns to continue the celebrations. You watch as the last of them leave, and all that is left are the guards and your prisoners. You decide to leave them there for a while.

You look around at your luxurious chambers. All this beauty and power is yours, given to you by the mightiest of the demons. You sit and relax on your throne, and you wonder what the future will bring.

Editor's Thoughts: Yeah, pretty brutal. I let this one play out with really no input. Seems the initial prompt was all it needed.