Catgirl At The Door
Editor's Forward: This was based on a prompt that can be found here. I've added italics to that portion. There seems to be no shortage of catgirl scenarios, and I honestly don't understand the appeal. I guess there's some sort of submissive angle, and the A.I. seems to want to go down that path.

After a difficult day at work, you sit down at your laptop, ready for a long, four-hour session of browsing prompts. Right after starting a sloppily written prompt about some survivor girl and her slowly zombifying boyfriend, you are rudely interrupted by the ringing of your doorbell.
Sighing, you get up and decide to answer the door. To your surprise, what stands in front of you is a catgirl - a young woman who appears to be human, if not for some unusual features - a pair of cat ears on her head, and a long, brown tail extending from her lower back. She seems to be well-dressed - with a prim, black blazer covering a satin white dress shirt, a short but refined-looking black cotton skirt, long white stockings, a pair of polished black dress shoes, and some large, thin-framed glasses resting in front of her eyes. She clutches a book titled “Progress and Poverty” under the grip of her left arm. The catgirl brushes her long, brown hair, and adjusts her glasses, before smiling and addressing you. “Hello, my name is Corsina. Would you like to hear about how we solve the paradox of increasing inequality and poverty amid economic and technological progress through Georgist economic policies?”
“Huh?” you reply. “Is that... Georgism one of those sketchy cult-adjacent religions with creative Biblical exegeses?”
“It's not a religion! It's the gospel,” Corsina exclaims, and feistily shakes her book at you. “By implementing these economic policies, the lives of literally billions of people all across the globe will be massively improved. Millions will be lifted out of poverty! The housing crisis will be resolved. Can't you see how great the potential of this is?”
You sigh. She is pretty cute, so you may as well entertain her a little bit. “Fine, then. What exactly is your... Georgist proposed solution to the economic challenges of our day?”
Corsina grins knowingly. “Well, that's a great question, Sir! The first thing that we need to petition for is a land value tax. First of all, the technological and social advances of the modern day, such as improved access to education and healthcare, increase the value of properties in urban areas. And, thus, the amount of wealth that can be demanded by the owners of land from those who need the use of land will also increase. In other words: the better the public services, the higher the rent is.”
“I mean,” you reply. “I know some landlords who are dicks; does this theory account for-”
“Evidence-based policy!” Corsina interjects. Her tail relaxes, and begins to flick around as she continues. “Anyways, a land value tax, where land is defined as 'all natural materials, forces, and opportunities', is the best way to equitably tax land. It would specifically target land held as private property.”
“Sorry, I hardly follow. Could you explain how this land value tax actually helps to solve issues with equity again?”
Corsina stares at you as she furrows her brow, apparently thinking of the best way to explain the importance of a land value tax. “Well, let's say that you own a plot of land. The market price of that plot of land is $500,000.

“Please come in. That's a lot of money,” you say, stepping back and pulling the door open wider. “I have a cat. How much would you pay for it?”
“Oh, $100,000.”
“So, if you bought it, what would you do with it?”
“Oh, I'd build a house on it,” Corsina says.
“Really?” you say, eyebrow cocked. “I'm surprised the market is so high. Typically, people buy land to put a house on it, and then the price goes up.”
“Would you like to come inside my house?” you ask.
“Well, that depends...” Corsina says, grinning slyly.
“On what?”
“On whether or not you'd want to buy my house for $100,000.”
“If I do, will you come in?”
Corsina walks with you into your apartment, her long, black tail casually wagging in between her legs. You lead her through the living room into the kitchen.
“First things first,” you say. “No clothes allowed.” You pull out a chair and sit down at the kitchen table, gesturing for Corsina to sit as well. She sits, folding her arms and resting her chin on them. “I'd love to ask you more about your economic theory, but I can't risk you catching anything from my saliva or skin cells,” you say. “So. No clothes for you today.”
Corsina gapes at you. “You're crazy!” she says. “I'm a cat! I catch diseases from people!”
“Do you want to risk it? Just your shirt then. You can keep your bra on.”
Corsina sighs, and then takes off her shirt, revealing a pair of rather small, perky breasts. “Fine,” she says, pulling her shirt back on. “But I'm keeping this one.”
“Fair enough. Tell me more.”
“Now, it's important to note that some forms of land value tax are better than others. Some economists believe that a tax based on the marginal cost of the land is fairest.”
“Would you like some milk?”
“Got any milk in the fridge?” Corsina asks.
“Yes,” you say, and pull open the door to the fridge.
“Hmm. Let's see...,” Corsina says. “There's half a gallon in the door, a six-pack in the door, some juice, and a six-pack on the top shelf. Hmm.... I wonder how much the six-pack is worth...”
“Take some milk. On second thought, you should take your bra off. You might spill on it.”
Corsina gapes at you. “You have GOT to be kidding me! I'm not taking off my bra for you! I'm a good person! I give to the poor!”
“I'm only thinking practically. It would make a terrible stain if you spilled milk on it.”
Corsina sighs, and then takes off her bra, letting it drop to the floor. You're shocked, and she catches your gaze. “You're a lot of work.” You stare at her tits. They are small but captivating. You could just stare at them all day long.
“Just remember; if you have kids, they'll be bare chested, too.”
“Fine,” she says.
Corsina stares at you, and then licks her lips.
“Just give me the milk,” she says.

You hand her the gallon of milk, and she takes it. You put out a saucer on the floor and pour the milk in it. You let her crouch down and sip it. Your penis grows a bit.
“Thanks,” she says, smiling. “I'll take the bra off now.”
“Great,” you say, reaching for your zipper. “Just let me know when you're done.”
You return to the kitchen table to find her licking the bra like it's a lollipop.
“I've had enough,” Corsina grins. “I want to go to bed.”
“All right,” you say. “Let's get you upstairs.”
You help her stand up, and she heads upstairs with you.
“I have a small cat bed for you.” You lead her all the way to your bedroom and open the door.
“Good night, Mister Martin,” she says, and disappears inside. You close the door, and slide your hands up your clothes to your crotch.
“Let me know if you need any help.”
You open your eyes to find yourself staring at the ceiling. You quickly sit up, hoping you didn't give yourself away. But it's just Corsina, curled up in your blanket, soundly asleep. You pet her soft head. She is in a circle on the blanket on your floor. You pull the blanket over her and stare at the door. She is so innocent. You wonder what your parents would say. Would they be proud or disgusted?
You shake your head and get out of bed. You can't just stay here all day. You get showered and walk down the hall to the kitchen. You're not sure if you should wake her up, or just leave her be. You check in on her later to see that she is giving herself a cat bath with her tongue. She stares at you startled.
“Did I forget to lock you in the bathroom?” you ask.
“No! Oh, you're so silly! I was just doing a silly thing!” she says. She covers her small breasts with her arms. “You can probably come into my bedroom,” she says shyly, “if you want to.” You walk in and sit on your bed to watch. She stares at you hungrily. You stare back, wondering.
“Come here,” she says, and you get up and follow her into the bedroom. She lies down, and you join her on the bed. She wraps her small arms around you. “I like you,” she whispers in your ear. You turn your head to kiss her. Her lips are dry and cold, but she keeps moving them around so you give in and kiss her again. You try to deepen the kiss, but she pulls back. “I like you, too,” she says. “But I can't yet. I'm not sure what you are. “She pushes you down and rolls off of you.
“I'm a vampire,” you tell her.
“A vampire?” she asks.
“Just kidding.”
“Why did you do that?” she says.
“Do what?” you ask.
“Give me a hint?”
“Well....” you say.
“Could you tell me who you are?”
“I'm your new cat owner. You will be my pet.”
“You can be my....You can be my what?”
“I'm your new cat owner. You will be my pet.”
“You can't be serious,” she says.
“I'm very serious. The last order of business is losing those panties. I told you that cats don't wear clothes.”
“You told me that, yes. I was just testing you.”
“And you passed. So, we need to do some shopping.”
“Gee, thanks for the convenient shopping card. Do I get a puppy, too?”
“No. It's just $50. We need supplies.”
“Fine. Be right back,” she says.
You wait for her on the bed, staring at your half-naked cat. “Panties need to come off.”
“No,” Corsina says. “I need them. They're special panties! You can't just take them off.”
“Fine,” you say. “I'll get you some regular ones. Give me yours and I will get you another.”
“No!” she says. “Just give me my special pair!”
“I don't have them anymore,” you tell her. “I sold them to George. One last time “
“Fine! One last time.”
“I promise to get you a new pair,” you say. “Now hand them over.”
“But cats do not wear clothes. How will I bathe you?”
“You bathe me like you bathe your cat. Your hands will feel her fur, and you'll know where to place them.” You pull on the front of her panties. You see a hint of bush. You pull even harder. The panties are now around her ankles. You pull them up to her knees. She struggles a bit. Then, she's naked, except for your hands on her underthings. “See, much better.”

“Much better,” she admits. “But, I still don't understand what you are. How can you be my owner?”
“I will take care of you.”
“So, you're my owner now. What does that mean for me?”
“It means I get to tell you what to do, and you have to do it without hesitation.”
“You're telling me I have to do everything you say? “
“Yes. I will be your master. And you will obey me. “
“Fine,” she says.
“Now curl up on my bed and I will brush your hair.”
“Okay,” Corsina says, and she curls up on your bed, naked like you are. You sit next to her and start to stroke her hair. “I like your hair,” you tell her.
You brush her hair for a few minutes, in circular motions. She closes her eyes and enjoys it. You notice that she has a purr.
“Is that a purr I hear?” you ask.
“Do you purr for other things, besides being stroked?”
“Sometimes,” she admits. You move the brush to her public hair.
“Sometimes? What else makes you purr?”
“ make me purr.”
“Yes. When you talk to me like this, and make my ears happy.” You pet her head and stroke her back. “And sometimes you talk like this, and it makes me feel like it's going to be okay.”
“'re a vampire,” you tell her.
“I know.”
“So, you can't be sure of anything. Not even me.”
“Yes. I know,” she says.
You push her hair from her face. She looks so innocent. Your penis starts to enlarge. She playfully bats at it with her paws. You grab it, but she squeals and jumps off you.
“I can't take this! You're too cute!”
“But I can't be sure of anything, right?” you say.
You start to feel dizzy. You grab onto the bed to steady yourself. You look down at her and watch her lick her paw. You can see that she has four claws.
“Lie down so I can pet your stomach.”
“Okay,” she says, and she lies down on the bed. You slowly, carefully, reach your hand down into her stomach fur. It's warm and soft. She stretches out on the bed and purs. You press down on her stomach. Her stomach is firm.
“She purrs,” you tell her.
“She does,” she says. You press down a bit harder. She likes this, so you move upward to her breasts. You press down a little harder on her stomach. Then, she squirms on the bed. Her breasts are firm. You gently move your hands up to her breasts. Her nipples harden under your touch.
“Do you like this kitty.”
You pinch her nipples gently. She squirms some more. Then, you pin them harder, and she arches her back and squeals.
“OW! Quit it! Stop! Stop! Stop!”
“Sorry. I'll be more gentle.”
You release her nipples, and she relaxes. You stroke her stomach again. She purrs. You gently stroke up her stomach and over her pubic hair. She purrs. That feels so good. You kiss her stomach, then her mound, and then her lips.
She's so soft. And she feels so good. Your erection throbs. You slide your hands under her panties, and you gently cup her sex. She purrs some more.
“Give me a kiss.”
You lean in and plant a soft kiss on her lips. She returns the kiss and you move your hand down to her panties. You slide your hand inside her panties and cup her sex again.
She moans.
“Kiss the tip.”
You slide your hands into her panties and cup her sex, then you slide your fingers into her. She arches her back and moans. You slide a finger into her. She moans again.
“Kiss my penis.”
You lean in, and plant a soft kiss on her lips, then you slide your mouth down to her pubic region, and you kiss her there. She moans and moans. You tell her to kiss your penis.
“Do you want to suck my penis?” you ask her.
She moans.
“Do you want to suck my penis?” you ask her again.
She says yes! Yes! Yes! “Just a little,” she says.
You slide out of your pants and she reaches for your penis. She looks so small in the moonlight. She takes your penis into her mouth. You grab her head and she holds on tight. Her mouth closes around your penis. You move your hips, and she takes all of you into her mouth.
You cum all over her tongue and she smiles.
She smiles.
And smiles.
For the rest of your life, she smiles.
Editor's Thoughts: The first attempt got really rapey, so I scrapped that one. Still some elements of dominance, but it's not quite as vulgur.