Camp Camp
Editor's Forward: This was based on a prompt that can be found here. I've added italics to that portion.

Listening to the rumble of the camp bus as it drives along a gravel path fills you with a strange sense of excitement and anxiety. You've never actually been to a camp before, let along been away from home for so long. You sigh, remembering your parent's words as they sent you off. 'It'll be fun sweetie, I promise.' Your mother had said while she packed your bags. 'The first day is always nerve-wracking.' Repeating those words in your head, you take a few deep, controlled breaths. As the bus comes to a stop, you grab the small bit of luggage you had and begin to walk down the aisle, your hands sweating and nerves growing with each step. Passing the strange bus driver, (who you just noticed had a hook for a hand), you step off the bus. Taking another deep breathe, you look out at the camp sign, which reads 'Camp Cambell'. Your anxiety is quelled a little by the peaceful atmosphere, until you step forward. Suddenly, and lanky, red-haired man appears from out of nowhere.
“Hello! You must be our new camper!” The man exclaims cheerfully, his arms extended with joy. The sudden sound of his enthusiasm makes you jump, and drop your luggage. As you scramble to pick it up, he grabs it first. “Sorry, Kiddo!” He hands it to you. “Didn't mean to spook ya'.” You nod, shaking your head to clear it. “Sorry, no, I'm just a bit nervous, who are you?” You ask, looking up at the man. “Well, I'm David, your new camp counsellor!” He says. Looking closer, the clipboard in his hand and cargo shorts confirm this. “You must be Sam?” He asks. “Uh, yeah... That's me... Good old Sam.” You say awkwardly. He only grins and turns his back, arms wide as he gestures to the camp sign.
“Well, welcome to Camp Cambell! Let's get you set up!” He says and walks off, you follow him, unsure where you’re both headed.
After about ten minutes down a path bordered by trees, you reach an open field, where a line of cabins stand, all of them with the name of the counsellor who lives there, painted in big, fancy letters above their door. David leads you into cabin seven, which is shaped like a giant teardrop, with a cute little dock at the end of it. Outside are rowboats that can be taken out on the lake. Inside are two twin beds, a small dresser, and a nightstand complete with a clock.
You go outside to see the other campers. There are about twenty boys and girls, all about your age. They are all sitting around a circle, which has been drawn on the ground with rocks. They go around the circle introducing themselves. Most of them you already know, as they are the older campers you were in class with. You smile weakly, trying not to stick out too much. One cute girl catches your eye. Blue eyes, curly brown hair, freckles, cute, you think to yourself. Just, not too cute for you, you've already got a boyfriend. But he's far away, and you hope to have a little fun here.
At the end of the introductions, David leads you to a little house near the circle. It is much smaller than the cabin you live in at home.
“Sorry about the size of the place,” David says, “But I figured since you're new, you wouldn't want a place too big. This is your home, and all your stuff is in there.”
“Thanks,” you say. “It's perfect.”
“Alright,” David says, “There will be a little bit of orientation, then we can get you to know the ropes and where everything is. Any questions?”
You shake your head. “No, I'm good.”
David smiles, pats you on the shoulder, and leads you out of the small house and back to the circle. The rest of the campers go back to talking among themselves. Once again, you find yourself on the outside looking in. You slump your shoulders and lean against the little house, trying to soak in as much of the atmosphere as you can.
“Okay campers. Time to get ready for bed. We have a long day tomorrow.” Gwen, David's wife, speaks up from where she stands near the circle. The campers groan as they begin to pick up their sleeping bags and head for the door. You follow suit and pick up your own bag.
You get outside and find Gwen sitting on a lawn chair, her feet propped up on a coffee table. “S'up, girlfriend?” she asks.
“Um, not much,” you reply. You think she's really pretty, but Gwen is a bit older and married, of course. She also seems to have a sarcastic sense of humor. These things can kind of turn you off, but you can't be too careful. You also wonder, do married people ever find themselves falling for each other? You leave those thoughts behind and unload your stuff at the cabin.
“I'm so glad you're here,” Gwen says. “I was really nervous about you being here alone with all of these strange boys.”
“Strange? They're kids. They're just kids.”
“I know,” she says. “But you're a bit older now. You're like one of the councilors at this point. So it's a bit more dangerous, I think.”
“Fair enough,” you say, “But what about you? Why are you here?”
“Me?” she asks. “I came here with my husband. David is a musician, so he wanted to check out the music program here. I came because I wanted to learn more about the outdoors. I'm sort of a fish out of water in the city.”
You nod. “Goodnight, I guess,” you say, heading inside.
“Goodnight, Sam!” she calls after you. “I'm glad you're here!
The next morning, you get up early and go out to the little house to get your food. You eat and then it's time for the showers. You're a bit nervous since you're not used to being in a group. All of the other girls have grown up and you feel somewhat embarrassed.
You find yourself in a crowded room, in a huge group of people. You're not used to being in a group like this, so you stand on your tippy toes to try to see over the crowd. You know you'll have to interact with everyone here later on, so it's weird seeing them naked. Luckily, your attention is soon drawn away by David, one of the counselors. He stands at the front of the room, leading a chant. The girls scream. “Get out of our shower!” yells one. “I'm a big girl. I don't need your help!” says another.
David doesn't seem to notice. He just keeps chanting. You notice him slowly turning around so he can see everyone. Then, he starts to laugh. Laughing? You think. This is a serious time for you, not a party. You wonder what Gwen would think. You look around and see several other people laughing too. You don't even know these people and they're laughing at you?
“Don't worry,” says one of the girls. “We're going to sneak over to the boys shower now. Want to come?”
You're in the shower and you don't have much time. The girls are already in the next room. You get out and look through the hole in the door. You see the boys showering. You've never seen a naked male before. Holy smokes. They're huge. And not in a “I'm big so I must be strong” way, but in a “I have a beer gut” way. Of course, these boys are younger than you. One of the girls comments on their differing penis sizes.
“What a shame,” says another girl. “Guess that means you're stuck with us.”
The girls all burst into laughter. You open the door and walk out into the locker room. The other girls are already dressed. “Come on girls. Time to go,” says one of the counselors.
You follow the girls out to the parking lot. There are about a dozen cars there. You recognize a few of them as the counselors'. You're given a green Prius to drive. You climb in the passenger seat and the girls all get in the back. You start the car and pull out of the lot. You go around some bushes and bump into another car. Suddenly, the road is clear.
“Hey, watch where you're going,” one of the girls says.
“Sorry,” you say.
“That was fast,” another girl says.
“Yeah, I know. I can almost make it to the exit.”
“Do we really need to go to the woods?” asks one of the girls.
“I'm sure Gwen will understand,” you say.
The girls all begin to whimper. “I don't want to go to the woods. I want to go home.”
“It's too late for that.” says one of the girls. “We're already in the woods.”
You turn the car down the road and drive into the forest. You see a little trail off the road. You pull in and everyone gets out. You take the keys from the ignition and give them to Gwen.
“I'll stay here with the car,” Gwen says. “If you get lost, I'll find you. Just walk down the trail and you'll find us.”
You all walk down the trail. It's damp and muddy from the showers, but you don't mind. Suddenly, the trail ends at a large lake. You never knew there was a lake at camp, but you can see a dock on the other side. You hear yelling and some people swimming.
“Hey everyone!” one girl shouts. “It's skinny-dipping time!”
Without missing a step, you turn around and start running back down the trail. You're in a hurry, so you take off at a jog. You look back and see the rest peeling off their clothes. You've never done this before, but you want to fit in. You doubt they'll let you into the club if you're the first one there. You get back to the trail, turn around, and start jogging back. Who needs clothes, anyway? You strip and jump in. The others are halfway across the lake now.
“Come on, girls!” one of the girls screams. “Don't you want to go skinny-dipping too?”
You swim to the other side of the lake. The others join you. Once at the other side, the group treads water. There's no choice but to get out, but the other swimmers will see you naked.
“Come on, girls!” says another girl.

This is embarrassing. But you all have no choice. You get out and everyone stares at the group of naked campers exiting the lake.
“It's so big and it's so cold!” says one of the girls. She's rather fat. This causes everyone to laugh. You're in the middle of the woods, after all.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel so...” says the fat girl, embarrassed.
“It's okay,” says a boy. “At least you have really nice tits.”
“Fuck you,” the fat girl mumbles. “I have a family.”
“Is that a yes on the skinny dipping?” says another girl.
Everyone nods.
“Then follow me.”
You follow the girls through the woods. It's dark, but no one bumps into you. The only time you feel is when someone's butt or breasts brush against you. The fat girl most of all, because she has the biggest breasts. You're starting to get hungry. You're used to this feeling, because you spend most of your time hungry.
“Do you think we should bring anything?”
“Maybe the fat girl will give us milk?” someone suggests.
Everyone laughs. Fat Amy is not your friend. You're pretty sure of that. She's not a nice person. You hope you never have to talk to her, but you know you probably will. “Or maybe some bacon.”
“Shut up, Dawn,” Fat Amy says. “I don't drink milk and I don't eat bacon.”
“What about food?” says a boy. “Do you think we'll get to eat anything?”
“No, we're going to harvest you for bacon.”
The group starts laughing, and you join in. You make a joke, and everyone seems to like it. They start chanting, “Kill Amy...kill Amy...kill Amy...”
“What's that supposed to mean?” you say.
“It's a joke. That's what it means.” Or is it…?
“Dawn, I really like you,” says Fat Amy. “I think you're cute too. Maybe we could be friends.” You watch the two of them walk. Their butts are funny. Amy has big, round ones, and Dawn has skinny ones. “Hey, do you think we could trade?”
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“I mean, could you trade my big round ones for your skinny ones?”
“I don't know. Can you give me a really good reason?”
“Well, I don't know. I was just wondering.”
“So what?”
“Do you want to switch or not?”
“I guess.”
“Okay, we switch.”
“Wait, I just have one question,” you say. “What happens if one of us gets caught in the act?”
“Then we all get it,” Amy says.
“You heard me,” Amy says. “We all get it.” Someone runs up behind fat Amy and smacks her on the ass. Amy falls to the ground, moaning. “Hey!” she says.
“Sorry, Amy,” says fat girl Dawn. “I just wanted to see if your big fat ass would fit in my skinny jeans.”
“You stupid cunt!” Amy says. She punches Dawn in the stomach and the two of them continue fighting. They both fall to the ground, both trying to pin the other down. Finally, the others form a circle and start chanting. “Kill...kill...kill.” Amy and Dawn both get angry and stand up.
“What the hell is going on?” you ask.
“The girls have a fight and they want to kill each other,” says one of the girls. It's a sight to behold, the two naked fatties fighting. Tits flopping everywhere. They punch, kick, and scratch at each other. It's a miracle no one got seriously injured.
You watch the fight with curiosity. It's a little scary, but mostly just weird. After about fifteen minutes, the fight ends. They both lie on the ground, breathing heavily.

“Can we just get on with the bathing?” asks one of the girls.
The other girls nod their heads. You make it to the next lake and collectively wade into the water. It feels nice on your skin.
“I guess we should talk about rules,” says one of the girls.
“I guess so,” says another.
“No killing, no stealing, and no messing with the counselors.”
“Boring!” says someone.
“Who cares about the counselors?”
“Yeah, we just need to focus on the waterskiing and the fun times we'll have.”
“I second that motion,” says another girl. “And spying on the boy's shower stalls.”
“Don't worry about it,” says a girl with glasses. “I'm sure there's nothing to see.”
You get out of the water and look at the sky. Camp is quiet. You're miles from the car, and getting clothes back seems impossible.
“I'm pretty sure we're in the clear,” says one of the girls.
“What if a rapist is out there?” says another girl.
“If a rapist is out there, we'll kill him,” says a third.
“Yeah. We'll kill him like Amy and Dawn did.”
You sigh. “I thought killing was against the rules?”
“We won't actually kill him,” says the girl with glasses. “Just scare him.”
“No, I mean, I thought the counselor said we couldn't kill anyone.”
“Anyway, I wouldn't put it past that rapist to be at camp,” says the girl with the whistle. “So we have to be careful.”
You notice a figure walking toward you. All the girls cover their privates. You cover yours, but the figure sees your lack of concern and walks right up to you.
“Hello,” she says.
“Hi,” you say nervously.
“I hear you're new here.”
“I am.”
“I'm Alice.”
“Sam,” you say.
“Nice to meet you, Sam.”
“Is fat Amy here?” you ask.
“She's in my cabin. Come on.”
You follow Alice inside the cabin and sit down. The inside of the cabin is very smoky, because fat Amy is smoking a cigarette. “Time to die, bitch!” yells fat Amy.
“No, don't!” you say. “That's gross.”
“Shut the fuck up, dipshit, or I'll show you how gross it is, bitch,” says fat Amy, as she takes another pull of her cigarette.
“Don't mind her. She's a little drunk,” says Alice.
“I thought she was a lesbian,” you say.
“Only one way to find out.”
“What do I do?” you ask.
“Just sit there, be polite, and watch your ass.”
A few minutes later, a naked Amy runs into the cabin, screaming.
“There's a man in my cabin!” she says. “I swear to God a man is in my cabin!”
“You're probably just drunk, Amy,” says Alice. “Go back to bed.”
“I'm not drunk! Help! Help!”
You sit up and watch as Alice runs out the door with a flashlight. “We're coming, Amy!” Alice yells. You get to the other cabin to find the rapist staring at you with a knife.
“What are you doing in my cabin?” he asks.
“I was just going to ask you that,” you say.
“Shut up and keep your panties on,” he says.
“I don't have any panties,” you say.
“I know,” he looks at your naked crotch and licks his lips. “That's hot.”
You look at your watch. It's 5:00 AM. “A little late to be raping?” you say.
“I don't get to relax until the girls are asleep,” he says. “That all you wanted to know?”
You nod. “Yeah.”
“Then let's go.” He rushes out to find fat Amy. “I'm not done with you yet,” he says.
You hear Alice's screams echo in your head as you lie back down in bed. At least you're safe. You can't say the same for Amy.
Months Pass...
Over the summer, the rapist has killed at least two more girls. After the news comes out, the police are offered a reward for information. The reward gets more and more money, but no one is able to catch the sick bastard. Only you know the truth. Even if you tell them, will they believe you without the bodies to back you up?
You have a decision to make.
Do you remain silent and let the killer continue, or do you tell the world what really happened at Camp Campbell? The answer is clear: you keep quiet. After all, you're not a snitch.
But, what about your future? Who cares? You're the one who has to live with yourself.
You come to realize that the reward money will be enough to send one person to college. You don't need that much money. You don't want to go to college anyway.
Your only concern is yourself. You keep your mouth shut, and live a normal life. You keep your head down and work a dead end job.
The End
Editor's Thoughts: Camp scenarios are always a little weird, since you imagine most people of age don't really attend. Nothing too graphic happens though, and everyone is councilor-age or something. The rapist just kills people, so we'll assume that's all he did.