Awkward Dinner
Editor's Forward: This started out as an wkward family gatehering with your inlaws, but quickly went in an awful direction.

You, Perry, and your wife Carly are meeting up with her parents at your home for dinner. From past experiences, it's often an uncomfortable experience and quite awkward. At that moment, your father-in-law arrives first. He's a gruff-looking man. He looks to be in his 60's, and he has a bushy gray mustache.
“Evening sir”
Your father-in-law replies, “Evening, son.”
He proceeds to explain why you're here, and what your wife has been up to.
“She's a handful, that one.”
“Oh, I know.”
Your father-in-law continues, “She's very smart, though, and I'm sure she'll do great. And, of course, you'll be a good step-son above us all.”
“I hope to make you proud.”
Your father-in-law says, “I know you will, son.” He hugs you.
The door to the house opens, and your wife's mother walks inside. You greet them. They seem a little apprehensive, so you make light conversation. After about 15 minutes, the talk turns to the fact that you have a step-son, named Adam.
“Yeah, I know. It was a long time ago.”
They seem to have caught on that you are a little awkward with the whole 'step-dad' thing. Your wife's mother remarks, “So, you've raised a boy, now. How's that been?”
“Yeah, I've raised a boy. How about you?”
Your wife's father says, “Oh, I've raised a girl. Well, she would have been a boy if my wife hadn't married her mother, but she's a girl none-the-less.”
You both laugh. “What the hell does that mean?”
Your wife's father says, “Oh, nothing. It's just a saying.”
You laugh again, your wife's parents laugh along. Your wife speaks up. “We've been having some trouble in the bedroom.”
Your face darkens.
“Oh. Do you need some privacy?”
You quickly reply, “Um, no. Maybe we shouldn't talk about this.” You look at your wife, and she gives you a little smile.
Your wife replies, “No. We're married. It's our business.”
You decide to address the couple. “I cum too early.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
Your wife replies, “No. That's not it. I just-” your wife looks away for a moment, and then shakes her head. “I'm always coated. And it smells like you, but it isn't you. It's not really me smelling, it's- I'm sorry.”
Your wife's parents look at the both of you.
Your wife says, “It will get better. Or you can just stop cumming. That's okay too. I like it when you cum.”
You decide to change the topic.
You say “How's business? I haven't been to the store in a while.”

Your wife's father says “Oh, we're doing fine. I'm thinking of expanding into other cities.”
Your wife's mother says “Aren't you worried about the economy?”
Your wife's father shrugs, “What the hell would you know? You never worked a day in your life, anyway.”
You decide to change the topic again.
“Carly, it's time for dinner.” Your wife's mother says.
Your wife nods. Her father leans to you. “I had bedroom problems too.” He winks, and the three of you leave the room. You make small talk throughout dinner, and the couple continues to ask about your step-son, Adam.
“Carly doesn't like me talking about him.”
He replies, “Oh, I know. It's just that we've been married for a while, and she's gotten used to you. I'm sorry if it's been a little bit uncomfortable for you.”
“It’s not like she didn't sleep with a hundred people too.”
He laughs, “Yeah, that's true. I guess she's just not used to you being, well, Adam's dad.”
“Don't forget the affair,” her mom reminds.
You chuckle. “She's not used to an affair, I guess.”
“I guess not,” he replies.
You both share a laugh, and the awkwardness disappears. “Your mother had an affair too.” You say.
He says “I'm sorry. I didn't know.”
You say “I'm not sure she did.”
“I guess we all did.”
“I'm sorry I asked about your stepson, Adam.”
“It's okay. I'm sorry if it's been a little bit uncomfortable for you.”
“Well, we both know how that's going to play out, anyway,” he replies.
You laugh again. “Yeah, I guess it's just what happens when two people fuck.”
“I guess.”
“I'm sorry if it's been a little bit uncomfortable for you,” he repeats.
“For me?”
“Yeah,” you say.
He laughs.
He says “I'm sure we'll work it out.”
You give him a grin. “I hope so.”
“So,” your wife says. “I have another confession.”
“What?” you say.
“Well, I'm really not Carly.”
“I'm Tanya.”
“Her middle name is Adrianna,” her mom says.
“You've hidden your real name from me?”
“I did.”
“I wanted to enjoy this moment. It's been a while. Being with you has made me forget what I'm like without you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I gave you my adult film name.”
“You did?”
“Yeah. I was hoping you wouldn't remember it.”
“But I do.”
Her dad mentions that he's seen one of her movies.
You laugh. “Yeah, I've seen them all. I'm pretty sure you've seen them all.”
“Yeah. I'm pretty sure.”
“You like them?”
“Well I live them. What do you think of your daughter's adult film career?”
“I think it's pretty great. I'm actually really proud of her.”
“Thanks. I think I'm going to have to check out one of her films.”
Her mom chimes in. “I have one on DVD that we can watch.”
“I'm glad you like them,” she says.
“I do,” you reply.
You smile. You kiss. You make out. You get comfortable. “Let's watch one now.”
“Great,” her dad says.
You go into the living room, and sit down on the couch.
“I've seen all your movies,” you say.
“Yeah, I've seen them too.”
You grin. “What do you want to watch?”
“I like that one,” she says, pointing at the DVD case.
You grin, and pick the case for “Nympho.”
“I like the camera work on this one,” her mom says.
You grin. “Yeah, the lighting was pretty good. It was kind of creepy, actually.”
She laughs. “I didn't mind it at all.”
You watch the movie. The plot is good, but somewhat awkward when you get to your wife's sex scene. You sort of wish you could pause it, but you don't want to ruin the experience for the others.
It's a good movie. You watch it, and make out with your wife.
“Woah, son,” her father says. “We just saw that on screen.”
“Yeah, I know,” you say.
“I'm glad you like it.”
“It's pretty good, actually.”
“I know.”
“Do you want to watch another?”
You pick the DVD case again, and watch “Nympho 2.” This time, you make out with your wife a little bit more. You decide to watch “Daddy Issues”, because it has your wife in it, and you want to relive that experience. You make out with your wife, and watch that movie.
“Did you enjoy that?” her dad asks.
“I dedicated it to you.”
“No problem.”
You watch another one of her movies, “Leslie's Bi-curiousity.” This one is a bit more awkward, but you grin through it.
“I'm a little bi-curious,” her mom says.
“I'm sorry?” you say.
“Well, I have a bit of a crush on you, Perry.”
You smirk. “Really?”
“Yeah. Do you have a crush on me?”
“Well, I mean, yeah. What kind of response was that expecting?”
“I'm sorry. I'm trying to be seductive.”
“I know. I'm just messing with you.” Your wife's mom bats her eyes. “Well, maybe a little.”
You grin, and brush your wife's hair out of her eyes.
“Why don't you go downstairs and wash up?” her dad says. “We're waiting on you.”
It's a little weird, but your wife's mom is sort of hot, so why not?
Downstairs, you walk into the bathroom, and start to take a shower. You think about your wife. You think about your shower. You think about your wife again. You decide to scrub a bit. You scrub for a long time. You keep your eyes closed the entire time. You get out, and find your wife waiting for you in the bedroom.
“Oh hey babe.”
“I missed you,” she says, giving you a kiss.
“I missed you too. I missed you so much.”
She smiles, and you take her hand.
“I love you, Perry.”
“I love you too.”
You start to lean in for a kiss, and she smiles. “I'm pretty sure you were daydreaming about me.”
“Yeah, yeah I was.”
Her mom walks in wearing some lingerie. “Sorry, I had to get something.”
“It's okay,” you reply.
“You should go take your shower,” your wife says. Her mom nods and goes into your bathroom.
“I'm going to go check on the steaks,” your wife says.
“I'll be right back.”
You sit on your bed and wait from someone to come back.
Your wife comes back a few minutes later, wearing some really skimpy lingerie.
“I'm back. Let's get to the bedroom.”
“We're already here.”
“I'm going to go take a shower, just in case.”
You smile. “I'll be out in a few.” You go into your bathroom and find her mom still showering.
“Hey, I'm back.”
Your wife is in the bedroom, getting undressed. “I'll be out in a few too.”

“Okay. I'll be waiting.” Her mom walks out in a towel and sits on your bed. “I'm not getting out of here until you do.”
You walk into the room. “Okay. I'll be out in a few.”
“That's not good enough,” she says.
“What do you want?”
“I want you to do it.”
“Do what?”
“Make love to me. Now.”
“We're in the middle of a conversation.”
“I don't care. I want you.” Your wife comes back on the room. “Mom, are you trying to screw my husband?”
“Well, I...!”
“Yeah, I get it. Let's finish this conversation in the shower.”
“You are not taking this to the shower.” You encourage them to go back, just so you can watch. They walk back into the bathroom and close the door. You hear some giggling, and some murmuring. Then, the door opens, and they come out.
“We finished our conversation.”
“And what was the result?” you ask.
“We made love,” she says. She smiles. “I want you, Perry.”
“Do you want me to go join them?” you ask.
“No, I want to take a shower. I want you to wait for me.”
“Okay.” You sit down on your bed and wait.
Both your wife and her mom drop their towels.
Your wife steps out first, and you watch as her mom steps out in a sheer white robe. She smiles at you seductively, and walks over to you.
“I'm back,” she says. “Who goes first?”
You smile at her, and she smiles back.
“You are so beautiful, Meg.”
“So are you, Perry.”
You step out of your shorts, and she steps into yours. “I don't think they'll fit.”
“I don't care.”
She climbs on top of you, and you lift her up.
“I want you to know, I'm glad our conversation happened the way it did.”
“I know.”
“I'm glad I got a chance to know your mom.”
“I know.”
She moans, and you follow suit.
“I love you, Perry.”
“I love you too, Meg.”
She leans forward.
Your eyes close.
You are Perry, a 24-year old human.
You have a loving family, and a steady job.
You live in a nice apartment.
You are not in love with your wife, but you still love her.
Your name is Perry.